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Linden Cup 2020

17.4. - 19.4.2020 Harjoitushalli, Jyväskylä, Buugi, Jyväskylä | Finland

Where And When


Tournament will be placed in city of Jyvaskyla, Finland. The next quotation is borrowed from Visit Jyväskylä www site.

“Jyväskylä is a lively, versatile city of sport, movement and well-being in which over 5 000 events are staged annually. Jyväskylä is situated in the middle of Finland, right in the heart of Urban Finnish lakeland. The city that follows in the footsteps of the world-famous architect and designer Alvar Aalto can offer visitors some amazing encounters with nature in the middle of the city as well as a variety of thought-provoking culture. Jyväskylä challenges people to get moving and enjoy some refreshing physical recreation that leaves a mark – on each and every one of us in a unique way!”


Tournament will be arranged in two or three locations depending on final number of participating teams.

  • Buugi, Two rinks
  • Harjoitushalli, Two rinks
  • 3rd location in Jyväskylä area will be announced later, if needed.


Tournament will occur in 17.-19.4.2020. Local teams will be playing on Friday, but major part of the teams play only on Saturday and Sunday. Matches will be played in following timeframes:

  • Friday: 16.30-21.30
  • Saturday: 8.00-18.00
  • Sunday: 8.00-18.00

Team-specific match schedules can be arranged considering foreign teams’ traveling schedules etc.

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