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Kivikova Iso Omena Lions Cup 2024, U12 (2012)

19.4. - 21.4.2024 Matinkylän jääurheilukeskus | Suomi

Rules and Regulations


The Tournament Management reserves the right to change or alter these rules at any time without prior notice in order to act in the best interests of the tournament.

Team officials are responsible for the conduct and supervision of all of their team’s participants at all times. No shooting, stickhandling or passing of any objects is permitted anywhere in the facility other than inside the rinks and designated places. Any pre-existing damage or severe mess in locker rooms must be reported immediately.

Kiekko-Espoo will not provide any insurance for participating parties. Every team must be carrying sufficient liability, personal and property insurance to cover all its members who participate in the tournament. All team members must have injury insurance that covers those risks that exist within the sport of hockey.

Tournament rules

NB! Checking is NOT allowed, but with the following exceptions: 

-when skating in the same direction and cutting in line against the borders (leaning)

- interference with one’s body when skating to the same direction or hip checking by the defender against the offensive player

Playing rules will be those recognized by the Finnish Hockey Association, Junior Hockey rules with following exceptions and adjustments. 

Divisions and Jerseys

The tournament has 3 divisions: AAA (16 teams), AA (16 teams) and A (12 teams). Every team will play at least 5 games.

Jersey Colors: A dark jersey will be worn by the HOME team, and a white or light coloured jersey will be worn by the AWAY team.

The team’s contact person will register at the tournament office when the team arrives.

Dates and places

The tournament takes place at Matinkylä in Espoo (Ilmatar arena, GreenLed arena) from April 19 to 21.

Over-aged players

There may be exceptions, please contact Mika Lappalainen: eks12@kiekko-espoo.com

Playing time and rules

Games will consist of 2 x 15-minute stop-time periods, however maximum game time 45 minutes as of ruling time. 1 minute intermission between periods. Semifinals and finals are an exception, and their game time is +5 minutes, while periods still being 2 x 15 min. If game is tied after two periods, resolution will be solved in shootouts. No time-outs.

Home team will be the team placed 1st on the Tournament Game chart.

The Game Management reserves the right to impose a running clock rule on all games, in the case of an extended injury or other prolonged delay. 

Penalties: 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes.

All Teams have to be game-ready on the bench 5 minutes prior to the game starting time. If the team is late for the game, the team will suffer a 5-0 loss.

The game also ends immediately if the goal difference in the match is 15 goals.

Tournament and divisions 

There are a different number of teams in each division and therefore the divisions differ from each other. 

In each division there will be a simple preliminary round.

AAA: 4 sub-divisions, 4 teams in each. Quarterfinals, semifinals, finals and relegation round (B,- C- and D-finals).

AA: 4 sub-divisions, 4 teams in each. Quarterfinals, semifinals, finals and relegation round (B,- C- and D-finals).

A: 4 sub-divisions, 3 teams in each. Quarterfinals, semifinals, finals and relegation round (third in each sub-division play against each other for places 9-12). 

Tournament points:

2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie and 0 points for a loss. In the preliminary round games can end in a tie. 

In semifinals and later rounds: if the game ends in a tie at the end of game time, there will be a shootout with three pair of skaters (3 from each team) named by team coaches. After three rounds the shootout will continue with a sudden death system. Coaches will decide order of the shooters.

The standings in the preliminary series will be determined based on the following order:

  1. Points, and if tied:
  2. Goal difference
  3. Goals for
  4. Head-to-head points
  5. Head-to-head goal difference
  6. Head-to-head goals for
  7. Dice


Tournament referees, major penalties and the jury

  1. Referees are official referees from the referee association of Helsinki (HJT).
  2. Penalties: If a player gets a 2 x 10 min or 5+20 min or 20 min penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct the player is suspended for the team’s next game. If a player is assessed a match penalty, the matter will be passed on to the official disciplinarian of the federation and the jury has the right to suspend the player for the duration of the tournament.
  3. Tournament jury and protests: All protests are handled by the tournament jury. The protest should be in writing and made no later than 10 minutes after the game has ended (submit to the tournament office). The fee for a protest is 200 euros, which will be returned should the protest be accepted. The jury consists of Kati Saastamoinen, tournament manager Anna Elo and referee Daniel Österholm. If needed, the jury will hear the game referee and/or the teams involved. To accept the protest the jury shall be unanimous. The decision of the jury is final. Jury is not obligated to explain its decisions.
  4. Changes in the schedule: The Tournament Management reserves the right to change or alter the schedule at any time without prior notice in order to act in the best interests of the tournament. The teams will be notified immediately.
  5. Fair play: The tournament Management is committed to creating a safe and fair environment for all participants. Respect for the game, opponents, coaches and officials is a part of the environment and that of sportsmanship and fair play.

ZERO Tolerance: Taunting or berating of any players, officials, staff, or tournament volunteers will NOT be tolerated under any circumstances by parents, players, team officials or spectators. The Tournament Management reserves the right to deny the entrance of any person whom it deems in its sole discretion to be acting in an improper manner.

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