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2.7. - 3.7.2022 Jyväskylä, Palokan tekonurmi, Viitaniemen tekonurmi | Suomi



Match time 2 x 20 min. Game format 8 vs. 8.

Offside area is in use. The offside area covers area from penalty box across the whole pitch. The goal kicks are given inside the penalty area from the ground.

Substitutions are performed in the so-called flying shifts during game breaks. The number of substitutions is free. The teams may have a maximum of two (2) over-aged players simultaneously on the field. There can be three (3) over-aged players in the game line-up. The tournament follows the Football Association of Finland (FAF) All Play Rules.

The winners of the series will be awarded a trophy and the top three teams in the series will be awarded medals.

All teams will be divided into pools (groups). In the first round everybody meets everybody one time scoring three points for win, one point for tie and zero point for loss. Should two or more teams be leveled on same points after the first round, the group standings will be determined by the following:

1. points in games between teams.

2. goal difference in games between teams.

3. number of goals made in games between teams.

4. group goal difference in group games.

5. number of goals in group games.

6. draw


The referees of the Central Finland referee club.


A player may represent only one team in a tournament.

If the teams have jerseys of the same color, the team marked as a guest team in the program is obliged to arrange jerseys (vests, etc.) that stand out clearly from the opponents.

The goalkeeper's jersey must stand out clearly from other jerseys.

The team must be ready for the match at the field at least five (5) minutes before the start time marked in the program. If there are not at least seven (7) players on the field 5 minutes after the start of a given match and the team is unable to give a valid reason for its action, the match will be deemed to have been abandoned. The team that surrendered the match will be deemed to have canceled the tournament and any previous matches will be void. The tournament office always confirms the handovers after consulting the necessary parties.

Penalty kick competitions in the standings phase will be played by three (3) players / team and then a pair at a time until a decision is made. Each player on the team must complete a kick before the player can shoot again (= new round).

Cards are in use in the tournament. Warnings do not accrue for the following games. Removals from the field will not result in a ban on subsequent games unless otherwise decided by the tournament jury.

The tournament jury has the right to intervene in inappropriate teams, if necessary, to exclude the team from the tournament. The jury may also oblige the team to demand proper use from its supporters.

Disputes and objections related to the competition activities will be resolved by a jury of three persons appointed by the organizers. There is no appeal against the jury's decisions.


A team participating in the same series may object to violations of the tournament rules or football rules. Objections to the pitch or its equipment will not be considered unless the referee has been notified before the start of the match.

The protest must be notified to the referee of the match immediately after the end of the match before he leaves the venue. A well-founded objection must be submitted in writing to the tournament office within one hour of the end of the match. At the same time, an objection fee of EUR 100 must be paid, which will be refunded if the objection is accepted. There is no appeal against the decision of the tournament jury.

For team leaders

The person designated as the team leader is responsible for their team in the tournament, as well as for communication during the tournament. The responsible persons of the teams take care and are responsible for ensuring that all players of the team have insurance cover. Tournament organizers are not responsible for injuries, illness or theft.

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