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Kiekko-Vantaa -10 - Uudenvuoden turnaus 2022

29.12. - 30.12.2022 Tikkurila Areena, Tikkurila HH | Suomi



The matches are played according to the rules of the SJL U13 age group with tournament-specific clarifications.



In the series, a preliminary series of five rounds will be played at first. After this, the four best teams play the bronze match (3rd and 4th of the preliminary series) and the final (1st and 2nd of the preliminary series). There will be 5-6 matches for all teams.

In ranking matches, the winner is decided by a winning goal contest after a tie. First three different shots and if the situation is equal after that, we proceed one pair at a time until the solution. The shooters of the winning goal contest must be different players until all players on the team have shot. The home team chooses which team will start the competition.



The tournament is intended for those born in 2010. The Y rule (meaning those born in 2009 or earlier) is not in use in the tournament. The association's rules apply to girl players, i.e. girls two years older can play. If necessary, the tournament organizer should be contacted before the tournament, in which case the tournament organizer can issue permits deviating from the rules in special cases. In unclear situations, contact the tournament jury, who has the last word on scaring overages.

Basically, each player can only represent one level team in the tournament. Team formations are requested from the teams before the start of the tournament. During the tournament, changes to the lineups must be submitted to the tournament office at least one hour before the start of the match.


The duration of the matches is 2 x 15 min effective playing time, total playing time max 45 min. A one-minute break between sets. The teams do not change field ends between sets. Taking overtime is not allowed. Deliberately delaying the game is prohibited.



If the team is not ready to start the game according to the tournament program, the delayed team is judged to have lost with a score of 5-0. There are two matches between the Ice Run.

At the end of the match, shouts are quickly performed on the blue line.

In all series you get two (2) points for a win, one (1) for a draw and zero (0) points for a loss.

If two or more teams are tied after the first series, the order is determined as follows:

1. scores of mutual matches

2. goal difference between mutual matches

Goal difference of the 3rd group matches

Goals scored in group 4 matches

5. Penalties

6. lottery



The home team marked in the match program plays with dark jerseys and the away team with light jerseys. Deviation from the practice is possible by mutual agreement between the teams.



The home team listed in the match program plays at the clock end of the rink (applies to both halls).



The three best teams in the series will receive medals and a trophy. There are 20 medals per team. Prize distribution takes place immediately after the end of the game on the ice.



In disciplinary matters, SJL's procedures and rules are followed with the following clarifications and exceptions:

1) If the player receives a game penalty, he is automatically excluded from the next game.

2) If the player receives a match penalty, the player is automatically excluded from the tournament.

3) Due to the shorter duration of the matches, the small penalty is 1 minute, instead of the normal 2 minutes


The organizers of the tournament are not responsible for insuring the players or officials of the participating teams, nor for their possible accidents, damages or loss of equipment. The team managers of the participating teams are responsible for ensuring that each player has a valid Finnish Ice Hockey League game pass and insurance.



In cases of objection, the fee is 100 euros. If the matter is resolved in favor of the perpetrator, the amount will be returned. The objection must be made in writing no later than 30 minutes after the end of the match and it must be delivered to the tournament office with the signature of the community representative/responsible person making the objection. If necessary, the jury hears the representatives of both teams and the referee of the match, and the decision cannot be appealed.



The tournament organizer has the right to change the match schedule if special reasons require it. Any changes will be notified to the participating teams without delay.

The players, officials and parents of the Kiekko-Vantaa U13 team are committed to the game rules, which include e.g. polite behavior and respect for others. We require this from the participating teams and the supporters of the teams. Despite repeated yelling, insults or the like directed at the referees by fans, coaches or players, and the Jury's remarks, the situation continues unchanged. The Jury of the tournament can judge the team involved in the matter to lose the game in question by 5-0.

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