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Kivikova Lisäpalvelu LionsCup 2023 U11

14.4. - 16.4.2023 Espoo. Ilmatar Areena, Matinkylän harjoitushalli, Laaksolahti | Suomi

First Aid



You are at:

Ilmatar Arena: Matinkartanontie 5, 02230 Espoo

GreenLed Arena: Matinkartanontie 9-11, 02230 Espoo

At the site there are people who are capable of giving first aid. Injuries during games are primarily treated by team staff, with the help of the first-aid personnel if needed. First-aid personnel move around the rinks and wear a safety vest with the letters EA on the back. Game officials and the office have the the firs-aid personnel's number.

Public health care: 

In non-urgent matters call +358116117 for instructions. You will be directed to the right place for care.

HUS Jorvi hospital emergency room 24/7 (Turuntie 150, 02740 Espoo call +35894711). No reservation needed.

Private health care: 

Mehiläinen Tapiola emergency room: shopping center Länsituuli (Länsituuli 10, 02100 Espoo, call 010 41400)

Mehiläinen Töölö emergency room: Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 17 C, 00260 Helsinki (call 010 414 0202)

Have a safe tournament!


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