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PuuhaPark HAKI Cup

31.3. - 2.4.2017 Lohja, Nummela, Kisakallio | Suomi


Harjun Kiekko’s E2/06-team invites all IIHF hockey clubs to participate in the international E2 junior hockey tournament HAKI Cup. The tournament is organized in Lohja, Nummela ja Kisakallio hockey arenas, 31.3. – 2.4.2017. The tournament is played according to the official IIHF rules and national hockey rules and regulations for junior players. Exceptions and some additional modifications will be mentioned in the Tournament rules. The rules will be published on the tournament website later.


1. Arenas

Lohja Arena, Runokatu 1, Lohja

Esbecon Arena, Kuoppanummentie 22, Nummela

OP-Arena, Kuoppanummentie 22, Nummela

Kisakallio Arena, Kisakalliontie 284, Lohja


2. Schedule


• Invitation is published and registration starts.


• 15.1. Deadline for the registration, latter registration begins.

• 28.2. The groups and the preliminary game schedule will be published on the website.

• 31.3. – 2.4.2017 HAKI Cup

• 15.4. Official results are published on the website.


3. Teams

HAKI Cup will accept 36 teams, that will be divided into the following levels:


• AAA Elite 12 teams

• AA 12 teams

• A 12 teams


The total active time of a game is 2x15 minutes in all levels. The maximum total time of a game is 50 minutes. The groups and the preliminary game schedule will be published on the website.


4. Possible elimination of teams

If the number of teams willing to participate the tournament exceeds 36 teams, the organizer has the authority to make eliminations among the teams that have registered by 15.1.2017 and paid the registration fee. If the elimination is needed, the teams are accepted to participate in following order:

1. Foreign teams

2. Finnish teams, max.1team/club/leveltournament

3. Registration order

The organizer has also the authority to make the elimination based upon its own consideration. The decision is final and cannot be pleaded.


5. Tournament rules and regulations

The Junior Rules of the Finnish Ice Hockey Association (SJL) are used during the tournament. Exceptions and some additional modifications will be mentioned in the Tournament rules.


6. Tournament fee

The tournament fee will be formed according to the number of teams registering from the same club


• 1 team 750€

• 2 teams 1400€ (700€/team)

• 3 teams 2025€ (675€/team)


7. Registration

A registration of participation must be made by email hakicup2017@gmail.com no later than January 15th 2017, at 4pm. The registration email should contain the name of the club and team, the desired level of games and the name and email address of the contant person of the team. After receiving application, the confirmation of participation and invoice of registration payment (150€) is sent via email. Please pay it as instructed, at latest on the due date mentioned on the invoice. Please use the reference number in all correspondence in order to enable us to know who has made the payment. In cases that teams are not accepted to participate, this amount of payment will be returned as a whole.If a team would cancel their participation, related to a Force Majeure reason, the organizer can pay back the fee as a whole or a part of it. If the cancellation is done after February 15th 2017, the fee is not refundable. An email address to the team is mandatory in the registration, as all information from the organizer will be sent by email.


8. Miscellaneous

The organizer has all authority to put a team in a group that seems suitable. The teams have the possibility to make a wish in which level group they want to play. Level check of the teams is made in the beginning of the year 2017. The organizer also has the authority to make necessary changes in the tournament rules when needed. If changes are made, the organizer will inform the teams about the changes via email.

Accommodation possibilities to the visiting teams will be arranged.Information concerning accommodations will be published on the website

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