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11.4. - 13.4.2025 Ice Arena Kateřinky, Skoda Ice Rink, Ice Arena Hvězda, Letnany Arena | Czech Republic

Rules and Regulations

A) Categories

The tournament is open for the following birth years and skill levels:

  • 2010 & younger             AA/AAA
  • 2011 & younger              AA & AAA
  • 2012 & younger             AA & AAA
  • 2013 & younger             AA/AAA

B) General provisions

The tournament follows rules of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF). However, there are certain exceptions that apply to the GHT Spring Hockey Cup rules. Those exceptions are stated and clarified in the C) – I) sections of this document.  

C) Tournament Rules


  1. A team may fill a maximum of 18 players and 2 goalies on the tournament roster.
  2. Each team may have up to 3 overage players on the tournament roster in the give age category. These players may be up to one calendar year older than the restrictions of the give category allow.
  3. Female players joining a team can be up to two years older as long as they are included in the total number of 3 overage players.
  4. A club, that has multiple teams registered in the same age category is forbidden to move players between teams. Each player can be only on one tournament roster.
  5. A club with multiple teams in different age categories may move players from one team to another as long as they follow the rules set out above.
  6. The complete tournament roster must be sent the organizers no later than 10 days before the start of the tournament.
  7. The game roster must be submitted at the tournament office no later than 15 minutes before the start of the match.
  8. A player who was not filled on the roster or does not meet the criteria to enter the official game is not allowed to appear in the match. If this rule is violated, the team with such player will automatically lose the game.

Playing time

  1. The game is played 2 x 20 minutes stop time – the only exception from this regulation is the Mercy rule, specified below.
  2. In the unlikely event that a tournament timekeeper finds out the game would fail to be played within the set timeframe, he or she will notify the Tournament Director, who has full authority to decide whether the match will continue in running time or stop time format.

Mercy rule

If one team takes a lead by 5 (five) or more goals during the last ten minutes of the second period, the clock will automatically switch to a running time until the goal difference is below 5 (five) goals again.

Ice resurfacing

Unless the tournament organizing committee decides otherwise, the ice will be resurfaced after every period. If the organizing committee changes the schedule, the teams concerned will be duly informed. 

Hybrid icing

The hybrid icing rule does not apply to the tournament.

Body contact

The 2010, 2011 and 2012 category is played full-contact, meaning that body checking is allowed. In 2013 division, no body checking is allowed.

Game misconduct

If any of the players receives a game misconduct penalty, the tournament director will decide on his/her possible start in the next match.


Each team has a right for one 30 (thirty) second time out during the match.

Time before the game

  1. Every team must be present at the ice rink at least one hour before the start of the match.
  2. The teams must be ready to start the game at least 10 minutes before the official start time of the match.
  3. Before each game, a two-minute warm up is available to both teams.
  4. If a team arrives later than 5 minutes after the official start of the game, the match will be automatically forfeited in favor of the opposing team.
  5. Players may shake hands and exchange souvenirs before the start of the match.

 Locker rooms

The team manager picks up the locker key at the tournament office. Teams are obliged to be in their dressing room at least 30 minutes before the start of the match. Only tournament management, players, coaches and team leaders listed on the official roster have the right to be in the dressing room and surrounding areas. The team manager shall return the locker key back to the tournament office immediately after the players have changed.

D) Game format



E) Group placement criteria

The teams are placed based on the number of points gained. The points are awarded as follows:


  1. Win – 2 points
  2. Draw – 1 point
  3. Loss – 0 points

2. Tie

Tie is recognized as a result during the group stage phase. Tie in the placement and play-off games are followed by an overtime and penalty shots – see points F) and G).

3. Two teams tied on points

Should two teams be tied on points, then a tie breaking formula will be applied as follows:

  1. Result of the face to face game between the two teams
  2. More wins
  3. Higher goal difference
  4. More goals scored
  5. Lower number of penalty minutes
  6. Lower number of game misconducts
  7. First goal scored in the face to face game
  8. Coin toss

4. Three teams tied on points

Should three or more teams be tied on points, then a tie breaking formula will be applied as follows, creating a sub-group amongst the tied teams. This process will continue until only two or none of the teams remain tied. Once the sub-group is narrowed to two teams, their breaking formula again refers to the points stated in the E.3 section. Tie breaking formula for three or more teams tied:

Step 1: Taking into consideration the games between each of the tied teams, a sub-group is created applying the points awarded in the direct games amongst the tied teams from which the teams are then ranked accordingly.

Step 2: Should three or more teams still remain tied in points then the better goal difference in the direct games amongst the tied teams will be decisive. 

Step 3: Should three or more teams still remain tied in points and goal difference then the highest number of goals scored by these teams in their direct games will be decisive

Step 4: Should three or more teams still remain tied in points, goal difference and goals scored then the results between each of the three teams and the closest best-ranked team outside the sub-group will be applied. In this case the tied team with the best result (1. points, 2. goal difference, 3. more goals scored) against the closest best ranked-team will take precedence

Step 5: Should the teams still remain tied, then the results between each of the three teams and the next highest best-ranked team outside the sub-group will be applied.

Step 6: Should the teams still remain tied after these five steps have been exercised then the lower number of penalty minutes in the tournament shall be decisive.

If neither of the above steps rule out the placement, a coin toss will decide the placement.

F) Overtime

If a placement/playoff game is tied at the end of regulation time, a five-minute overtime period shall be played after a two-minute intermission. The teams will not change ends for the overtime period. The game will end when the five minutes have expired or when a goal is scored; the scoring team will be declared the winner. All overtime periods shall be played with each team at the numerical strength of three (3) skaters and one (1) goaltender. In case of penalty, the team in advantage plays a four (4) on three (3) powerplay. In case of two player advantage, a five (5) on (3) powerplay is applied. Once the penalties have expired, the game shall get back to three (3) on (3) format after the next whistle.

G) Penalty-shots

If no goal is scored in the overtime period then the Penalty-Shot Shootout (PSS) procedure will apply. The following procedure will be utilized:

  1. The coaches of each team nominate three (3) players and the order in which they will run in the PSS. They shall pass this information on to the referee.
  2. The referee shall invite the captains of both teams to draw a coin to determine which team will start the PSS procedure.
  3. In the first stage of PSS, three nominated players from both teams will play their penalty shots. A team that has scored more goals in three series will be called the winner.
  4. In case of a scoring tie after the first stage of the PSS, the game shall move to the second stage, where coaches nominate one player for each series until one team scores in the PSS and the other does not. The second stage is played in the sudden victory format and teams may nominate a player of their choice multiple times.
  5. The team that started with the PSS in the first stage shall enter the second stage as second.

H) Unsportsmanlike conduct and protests

Respect the referee’s decisions even when you have objections against their verdict. Referee’s decision on the ice is final and cannot be nullified. Unbiased criticism and justified comments can be consulted with the tournament directorate. The referees are instructed to respect the coaches, the same behavior is also expected from them. Unsportsmanlike behavior of players will not be tolerated and may be awarded with major or misconduct penalty.

I) Jerseys and gear


Each team must have two (2) sets of jerseys (dark and light). The organizing committee reserves the right to exempt foreign teams from this rule and allow them to start with only one set of jerseys. Before each game, the team manager always consults the choice of the color combination with the team leader of the opposing team.

Gear and equipment

All players are obliged to wear a full-face helmet (cage or shield) and a neck guard. A player may enter the game only with equipment that is certified for the game of ice-hockey.

J) Accidents and player insurance 

The organizers have not insured the players and are not responsible for any injuries or injuries that may occur to the players. All players and officials participating in the tournament must be insured in accordance with SJL rules. The organizer is not responsible for any theft that may occur during the tournament.

K) Tournament directorate

Global Hockey Tours s.r.o.
IČ 08646121
Duslova 2059
266 01 Beroun

Tournament director: Ing. Barbora Marxová





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