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FCAA - 2024-2025

1.9. - 30.4.2025 Helsinki, Hakametsän Jäähalli, Olvi Areena, Metro Areena, Helsingin Jäähalli, Vaasan Sähkö Areena, Ilmatar Areena, Kisapuiston Jäähalli, LähiTapiola Areena, Hyvinkään Jäähalli, Käpylän tekojääkenttä, Nokia Areena, Oulun Energia Areena, Rajupaja Areena, UK Areena, OP-Areena | Finland

Liike on lääke

K has been a prominent supporter of sport for many years. Now we are supporting physical activity among young people with a new project called Liike on lääke (Movement is the Medicine).

Only a third of children and young people exercise as recommended and around 40% already have a level of physicality that can interfere with their everyday life*. At the same time, the desire to play sport has declined**. Measures to get Finns moving have even been written into the government programme.

K together with various sports federations and clubs

Finland needs to get moving - K-ryhmä invited the Football Association of Finland, the Finnish Basketball Association and the Finnish Tennis Federation to a joint project called "Liike on lääke", which aims to encourage children and young people to exercise. We also invited sports clubs and other organisations from all over the country to participate, for example FCAA Hockey from ice hockey and HIFK Juniors and HNMKY from basketball. The project combines in a unique way the different donation areas of K-ryhmä's sponsorship and the different sports federations under one project.

At its best, movement is bouncing and balling, jumping and shuffling, playing and doing things that happen as if by themselves.

"We want to show all the good things that sport brings. In addition to the Pirkka Street Basket school events, we will be touring Finland in the summer with the "Movement is Medicine" tour, which offers playful sport experiments for schoolchildren and K-store customers. The tour will also visit the Helsinki Cup and several regional sports events," reveals brand manager Heidi Jungar.

JVG as ambassadors

JVG, a rap duo, was chosen as the project's figurehead. They produced a new song for the K-ryhmä called LIIKE, inspired by the original song Liike on Lääke.

"Exercising and sport have played a big role throughout both our lives. Even on tour we do sport whenever possible. We want to be ambassadors for movement together with the K-ryhmä and sports federations. Come and challenge us!", say Jare and Ville Galle from JVG.

Put LIIKE in the locker room or in the arena as a match bonus

The song produced for the project is available to everyone - our goal is to get it played at as many sporting events as possible during the year. The song will be played at Davis Cup matches, at the Huuhkajat game and at the Susijengi's  qualifiers. Take the song and play it in the locker room and at matches! If you like to see the photos on social media, please tag @kryhmä #liikeonlääke - we're happy to follow your news all over the country.

Read more: www.k-ryhma.fi/liikeonlaake 

Listen to the song here: https://open.spotify.com/track/1tcWd4oz8WqV1Q8UjMrxQV?si=a7f007fadd9a472f


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