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FCAA - 2024-2025

1.9. - 30.4.2025 Helsinki, Hakametsän Jäähalli, Olvi Areena, Metro Areena, Helsingin Jäähalli, Vaasan Sähkö Areena, Ilmatar Areena, Kisapuiston Jäähalli, LähiTapiola Areena, Hyvinkään Jäähalli, Käpylän tekojääkenttä, Nokia Areena, Oulun Energia Areena, Rajupaja Areena, UK Areena, OP-Areena | Suomi

What is FCAA?

FCAA is a new college level hockey league.

FCAA is a Finnish college level ice hockey league, consisting of a four-match regular season, which ends with the FCAA Finals tournament. Our aim is to provide tools and be pioneers in the fight against the decline in students' physical and mental health. For the 2024-2025 season, the league will include 26 teams from 22 different universities and 12 different cities.


Teams for the 2024-2025 season


FLL-Hockey, University of Turku (Law & Medical School) – Turku

HC Kyfoosi, University of Helsinki (Medical School) – Helsinki

HC Lumikot, University of Oulu & Oulu University of Applied Sciences Oulu

HC Morjens, Hanken School of Economics – Helsinki

HC Preemio, University of Eastern-Finland (Business School, Kuopio) – Kuopio

HH Rangers Blue, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences – Helsinki

HH Rangers Green, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences – Helsinki

Hiki-Hockey, University of Tampere Tampere

JAMK Tigers, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences  Jyväskylä

Joensuun PeTo, University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu) & Karelia University of Applied Sciences Joensuu

JKV, University of Jyväskylä – Jyväskylä

Kings of Kupittaa, Turku University of Applied Sciences – Turku

KuoLo Eisbären, University of Eastern-Finland (Dental medicine & Medical School, Kuopio) – Kuopio

KY-Jets, University of Turku (Business School) – Turku

Laurea Penguins, Laurea University of Applied Sciences – Espoo/Hyvinkää/Vantaa

Metka HC, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences – Helsinki/Vantaa

Mighty Cocks Green, University of Vaasa & Vaasa University of Applied Sciences – Vaasa

Mighty Cocks White, University of Vaasa & Vaasa University of Applied Sciences – Vaasa

Mpkk, National Defence University – Helsinki

Nylandsgatans Åilers, Åbo Akademi Turku

Näädät, Aalto University – Espoo

Parru HT Black, Lappeenranta University of Technology & LAB University of Applied Sciences – Lappeenranta

Parru HT Red, Lappeenranta University of Technology & LAB University of Applied Sciences – Lappeenranta

Pink Panthers, Savonia University of Applied Sciences  Kuopio

Pirkanmaa Goons, University of Tampere & Tampere University of Applied Sciences Tampere

Pykälän Ranne, University of Helsinki – Helsinki


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