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Scandic-turnaus U16 2024

16.8. - 18.8.2024 Oulu | Finland



Five (5) U16 age group teams will participate in the tournament

Oulu Kärpät U16 SM

Oulu Kärpät U16 Academy

EC Red Bull, Salzburg

KalPa, Kuopio

Sport, Vaasa



The current rules of the Finnish Ice Hockey Federation are followed in the tournament


Tournament players, number, player lists

Players born in 2009 or later. The so-called Y players must be agreed separately with the tournament organizer. The current SJL competition rules apply to girl players. The number of players is not limited. Teams can enter an unlimited number of players with a game pass into the tournament, taking into account the level, who can fit into the team due to their age, however for each match max. 20+2 players.



In the tournament, a simple series is played, where each team plays once against other teams. In the series, you get three (3) points for a win, two (2) points for an overtime win, one (1) point for a draw/overtime loss and zero (0) points for a loss.

In the series, the ranking of the teams is determined based on the points achieved.

If the points are equal in the series, the ranking of each team is determined as follows in this order:

Scores of head-to-head matches
The goal difference of the group matches
Goal difference between mutual matches
Goals scored in group matches
Goals scored in mutual matches
Series/group penalty minutes

Match time

In the tournament, the playing time of the matches is 3 X 20 minutes, if necessary, a 5-minute overtime + a shooting contest (3 shooters). The overtime will be played 3 vs. 3.

Ice maintenance between periods and matches.

Time extension is available.

The teams must be in the vicinity of the rink three (3) minutes before the scheduled match time with their equipment on, ready to start the match. If the team does not arrive on the rink according to the schedule, it will be judged to have lost the match 5-0.


Player list and jerseys

The team marked first in the match schedule is the home team and it plays with darker jerseys and the away team with lighter ones, unless the teams agree otherwise.

The final list of players must be reported to GameresultOnline 30 minutes before the team's match.



The games are judged by the judges of Oulu Jääkiekkoerutomarit ry


Game / match penalties

The competition rules of SJL (Finnish Ice Hockey Federation) are followed in the punishments. A player who is sentenced to a 5+20 min match penalty is eligible to play in the next match. A player who is sentenced to another 5+20 min game penalty in the tournament will automatically lead to the end of the player's tournament. A player who is sentenced to a 5+20min match penalty will automatically lead to the end of the player's tournament games, because according to the SJL's competition rules, a ban can only be served in series games.


Handling objections

The Tournament Jury consists of the Tournament Manager and other team managers of the teams participating in the tournament who are not involved in the match in question. The tournament manager has the final decision-making power in cases of disagreement. The objection must be submitted in writing within 15 min. within the end of the game. The objection fee is 100 euros, which will be returned if the objection is found to be justified.


Tournament Manager:
Ilkka Ylilauri
+358 40 59 62 688


+358 44 7599 554
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