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Kisurit Cup 2018 - Kansainvälinen kutsuturnaus

24.8. - 26.8.2018 Varissuon jäähalli, Kupittaan jäähalli, Kerttulan jäähalli | Suomi

Information and parking

Parking instructions

Varissuo icerink

Buss unload area is located in a parking lot which is underground. After unload buses must exit the underground parking area. Bussparking is located on the rigt side of the undergroun parking entrance when driving out.

Car parking is located on the other side of Suurpäänkatu along Kousankatu. We recommend cars to be parked outside the underground park.

In the morning our parking staff answer all questions.

Entrance to Varissuo ide rink is located beside the underground parking.

Kupittaa ice rink / Marli Areena

Buss parking area is located in front of the Ice rink.

Car parking is located on the other side of Veritas Stadium along Blomberginaukio.

In the morning our parking staff answer all questions.

Players and staff use entrance located beside the buss park. Audience uses the main entrance of the Ice Rink. Guiding signs and parking staff assist to the entrance.

Raisio ice rink

Bussparking and car parking are located in front of the ice rink.


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