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Autokeskus Airport turnaus

27.3.2016 Tikkurilan urheilupuisto | Suomi


Tournament rules

The current Finnish Ice Hockey Association competition and game rules for Leijonaliiga and the rules for juniors in addition with the following tournament rules apply in the tournament. The games are played in a 4 vs 4 format on a half length rink with a standard (black) puck and standard size goals.


Tournament order

The tournament is played in 4 (A, B, C, D) 5 team qualification groups. The qualification groups play a single round robin series, after which the playoffs are played according to group standings.

The playoffs are played between groups A/B and C/D ( A5/B5, A4/B4, A3/B3, A2/B2, A1/B1 and C5/D5, C4/D4, C3/D3, C2/D2, C1/D1). The winning teams from games  A1/B1 and  C1/D1 will play in the final and the loosers in the bronze medal game. The standings will be determined by the obtained points. In the round robin games 2 points will be awarded for a victory 1 point for draw and 0 points for loss. If two or several teams have equal number of points the standings will be defined by:

1. The result of the head to head game

2. Goal difference for entire round robin

3. Goals for

4. Lottery

In the case of a playoff game ending in a tie, the winner will be decided on penalty shots. Both teams shall name three different players for the shootout. If the score is still tied after both teams have taken three shots, the shootout will continue with extra shooters in a 1 vs 1 manner. The same player may not be renamed to take a second penalty shot until all the other skaters on the team have taken one.


Playing time

The playing time is 24 min running time. Shifts are 2 min running time. The teams must be ready on the bench in full playing gear 5 minutes before the start of their game. A team not ready when a game is sceduled to start will be ruled to lose the game 0-3..

The tournament organizer can make changes to the schedule if needed. Possible changes will be informed to the teams early enough before the game (about 1 hour).  After the game teams will shake hands, after which the teams will leave the ice immediately.



Penalties are in use in the games. In the case of a foul the referee shall whistle the play dead and remove the offending player off the ice for the remainder of the shift. In the case of repeted offences the referee has the possibility to remove the player from the game.


The amount of players and the referees

The maximum number of players on a team is not limited. The players named on the score sheet must be played equally. The organizing team shall nominate the refrees for the games. Equal playing will be monitored by the match overseer and by other game personel.


Jury and protests

Disciplinary matters will be handled by the  Finnish Ice Hockey Associations southern districts disciplinarian.

Protests are handled by the tournament jury. The jury consist of the selected team representatives. The representatives of the team/teams part of the protest are disqualified from taking part in jury activities.

A protest can be made by the opposing teams team leader. Possible protests must be made in writing and addressed to the jury within 30 minutes of the end of the game or from the time the infraction occured.


Game passes and insurance

The participating teams are responsible for making sure each player and team official has a valid game pass and equivalent insurance. The tournament organizer is not responsible for the participating teams possible injuries or other damages. The players must keep on their helmets and other ice hockey gear at all times on the ice and on the benches.



All participants will receive a tournament medal independent from team placement. The three best teams will be awarded an additional trophy. The awards will be handed out after the teams final game in front of the tournament office. The coaches of each team will select a tournament "tsemppari"-player for their own team based on their own criteria and report the name of the chosen player to the tournament office prior to the teams award seremony. The chosen player will receive a "tsemppari"-award at the award seremony.


Team roster

Changes to the team roster must be reported to the tournament office a minimum of 15 minutes before the start of the game.


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