The tournament services (cafeteria, lottery etc.) only accept cash payments with the exception of the Hockey Base tournament store, which also accepts credit cards. The closest ATM's are located at the Shell gas station in Ruskeasanta (address: Tuusulantie 10) and at K-supermarket Yliveto (address: Peltolantie 1).
As the tournament is played in two separate arenas it is advaisable that each player brings skate guards.
A three person first aid unit is present at the rinks for the duration of the tournament. Their contact information can be found along the walk paths in both rinks.
Tikkurila pharmacy (Tikkurilan Apteekki)
address: Kielotie 11
tel. +358 9 836 2540
open 10:00 – 16:00
Emergency duty for acute cases 24 h
Peijas Hospital (Peijaksen sairaala)
address: Sairaalakatu 1, 01400 Vantaa
On duty health care center in Vantaa tel. +358 9 471 67060
In case of an emergency call 112
Tournament location: Tikkurila Sports Park
address: Läntinen Valkoisenlähteentie 52-54, 01300 Vantaa