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11.5. - 12.5.2019 Espoonlahden jäähalli, Matinkylän jäähalli | Suomi


Tournament rules

The Tournament will be played by the rules of the Finnish Ice Hockey Association for E1-juniors with the following adjustments:

Teams and team jerseys

The tournament is hosting 32 teams playing in two groups (AAA and AA).

Teams are required to have two jerseys, darker home and lighter visitor jersey. Home team plays with dark colored jerseys and the team mentioned later in the schedule (visitor) uses lighter colored jerseys. Teams can mutually agree to divert from this rule.

A team contact person shall report at the tournament office when arriving and leaving the tournament. At the time of reporting more detailed information about schedule and possible changes will be delivered.

Three best teams in each group will receive a trophy and medals, and the best forward, defenceman and goalie of each group will receive a trophy. In addition, one player in each team will receive a special award - the player is selected by the respective team’s coach(es).

Tournament days
Tournament will be played on 11.-12.5.2019 and venues are:

Espoonlahti Arena (Forum Arena and Training hall), Espoonlahdentie 2-4, 02070 Espoo
Matinkylä Greenled Arena, Matinkartanontie 9-11, 02230 Espoo

Playing time and timeout

Playing time is 2*15min effective time, but maximum 50 min from the scheduled match starting time, whichever comes first. Officials will inform both teams 2 minutes before the total time (50 minutes) ends.

Teams must be ready in their boxes 5 minutes before the game starts. Should the team not be ready at this time, they will lose the game 5-0. The game starts immediately after previous game or ice resurfacing with starting line ups. No warm up on the ice before the game. No timeouts allowed.

Tournament structure

All teams will play at least six (6) games in the tournament. After the group stage there will be play off stage with a format to be determined.

The winning team receives two points, both teams get one point in the case of a draw and the losing team gets zero points.  Detailed schedule and structure is visible in the online system www.gameresultsonline.com

In group games (first and second round) team positions are judged as follows:

  1. Points
  2. Head-to-head points
  3. Head-to-head goal difference
  4. Head-to-head goals for
  5. Group goal difference
  6. Group goals for
  7. Dice

If a bronze, final or position game ends at a draw, there will be penalty shoot-out:

  • Shoot-out is started with 3 players from both teams, which shall be named by coach and informed to referee immediately after game ends.
  • Should there be a draw after the 3 shots the shootout will continue in the reverse order of shots with the rule of the “golden goal”, meaning that the game is over when one team scores and the other one doesn’t in the same pair of shots. The same player cannot shoot twice in the same shoot out until all players in the team have shot once.
  • Starting team of the shoot-out is the visitor team
  • Only the decisive goal is registered to game report.

Tournament Jury and protests

All protests are handled by the tournament jury. The protest should be in writing, signed by the manager of the team and made no later than 10 minutes after the game has ended. The fee for a protest is 200 euros, which will be returned should the protest be accepted. The jury consists of the tournament director, and the referees of the game. To accept the protest jury shall be unanimous. The decision of the jury is final. Jury is not obligated to explain its decisions.

Changes to schedule

Tournament office has the right to amend schedules and interpret these rules if they so desire. Changes are informed to participating teams without a delay.


All players and team staff must have valid and adequate insurance. The arranger of the tournament is not responsible for any injuries or other damage that may occur to the players or staff of any team.

Results and communication to teams

Tournament results are managed electronically at www.gameresultsonline.com where schedules, teams and electronic results are available. Results can be followed also in the tournament office of each tournament venue. The system provides access to all tournament practicalities, including locker rooms and lunch schedule.

Each team is obliged to update team rosters to www.gameresultsonline.com in the way they have been separately advised. Possible changes shall be provided to system at latest 20 minutes before the start of the game and tournament office at venue shall be informed. Each team is allowed to list unlimited amount of players that are from the right age group.

Banners and streamers exchanged by teams 

Banners or streamers shared with opponent teams shall be exchanged on the ice before the game starts.


If a player receives a game penalty he is automatically banned from the next game.

If a player receives a match penalty, he is automatically banned from the tournament. A game penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct received by a player or other team member shall be handled by the tournament jury.

Behavior of teams and players in the tournament

The tournament is run in the spirit of ”Respect the Game” (program by Finnish Icehockey Federation). In case any of the teams is not behaving in a fair sportsmanship a tournament director may address the leader of the team in question and provide a warning. In case behavior is not improved, tournament management may ban a team from the tournament. A ban has been preceded by a warning and a ban can not be cancelled.


Tournament rules have been written in English and in Finnish. In case of discrepancies the Finnish version applies.

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