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Blues E2 Tournament

8.4. - 9.4.2017 Warrior Areena | Suomi


Tournament Rules

The tournament complies with the Finnish Ice Hockey Association (SJL) Southern region E2-junior competition rules with the following exceptions:

Teams, and uniforms

20 team participating in the tournament, which is divided into two series (AAA and AA). Each team must have two separate game uniforms, darker home shirt and lighter guest shirt. The tournament program marked the home team for the team to use a darker shirt and visiting team one marked with a lighter shirt. Teams playing may, by mutual agreement deviate from this practice.

Team enrolls at the tournament office upon arrival and departure from the tournament and team will receive for details Day program and of any changes.

Tournament medals are given for all tournament participants and trophies for the three best teams.

Game days

Tournament game days are from 8 to 9.4.2017 and place of the game Warrior Arena Hall. On Saturday morning games will be scheduled so that travelers can travel long in the morning. Games are scheduled 8-20 on Saturday and Sunday between 8-18.

8 pieces of xhanging rooms, which aims to distribute as fairly as possible. We aim to maintain the same booth throughout the tournament.

Playing time

Playing time of the tournament the beginning of a series of games 1 * 20min and follow-up series 2 * 15min effective time, reserved ice time is limited, however, in the first phase to 30 minutes and follow-up in 45 minutes. The teams shall ensure that they are ready in good time before the start of your match (min. 5 min before the spot). The match started immediately after the previous match or the end of the ice rehabilitation and goals insertion. If the team is not in accordance with the tournament schedule at the start of the match ready to start, the team lost the match sentenced to 5 - 0. The use of time-out is not permitted.

Tournament Mode

All teams play six games in the tournament. After the initial investment of sets played games. Winning the match will receive two (2) points, a draw one (1) point and a loss 0 points. A detailed diagram of a match can be seen in the results system.

The initial series of investment teams is determined as follows:

1) Score

2) mutual matches points

3) mutual matches, goal difference

4) goals scored in mutual matches

5) All preliminary round matches, goal difference

6) Goals scored in all preliminary round matches

7) Penalties

8) Dice



If the semi final, bronze, towards the end, and position matches that end in a tie, the winner will gain the paint to tender as follows:

Profit Goal competition started at three different player / team which the team coach to inform the referee of the match immediately after the end of the game time.

If, after the first three pair of shooters situation is still tied, the teams appointed one new player to make a shot. A player may not perform another penalty shots before each team field player has completed one penalty shot.

Profit Goal The competition to start the program marked with the visitors to judge the match to designate the end of the game.

Only the decisive goal of the match the outcome is recorded. The decisive finish is recorded to the player who carried out a shot.

The tournament jury and protests

Protests handles by tournament jury, whose decision is final. Protests must be submitted in writing 10 minutes after the end of the match. The protest fee is 200 euros which will be refunded if the protest is accepted. The jury consisting of the tournament manager, and two appointed members of the jury. If necessary, the Jury will also consult the Judges of the match. To accept an objection to the jury must be unanimous in its decision. The jury is not obliged to explain their decisions.

Changes in the match program

The tournament organizer has the right to change schedules and match programs as well as to interpret these rules if there are special reasons so require. Will be notified without delay to the participating teams.


Players are not to insured the players by yournament organizers against for any accidents or other damages participating teams. Team leaders of Participating teams are responsible for ensuring that all players have a valid license and insurance. Every player, coach and other team activities actively participating parent must have a valid license / insurance.

Scores and information team event

Tournament Scores are handled electronically www.gameresultsonline.com tournament service, which can be found in tournament programs, the teams and the electronic results service. Statistics tracking is available on the tournament office, as well as in the lobby of Warrior Arena. Scores can be found in the system in real-time event practical arrangements, such as changing rooms and meal times.

Each team is obliged to inform the tournament organizer in advance separately instructed way. Any configuration changes must be made the tournament office no later than 20 minutes prior to the start of the match. Each team may enter an unlimited number of tournament players who fit into the team because of his age.

Tournament Rules for international teams

The tournament rules and other information to the international teams participating in English. Tournament The code produced by the same content in English version.

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